Most of us have heard of the Chincoteague Ponies, but have you ever heard of the wild horses at Shackleford Banks (aka the Banker ponies)?

A herd of 110 to 130 wild horses roam free on the barrier island of  Shackleford Banks, a 9 mile long by 1 mile wide island off the shores of North Carolina.

 "They roam the dunes and marshes and swim in the small channels between the island and the nearby tidal flats, which ebb-out on the low tides and disappear again with the next high tide. For generation after generation of the coastal people, there have been stories handed-down about the wild horses that roamed these sand banks we now call the Outer Banks. Hardy and tough, they have survived where man could not. They have endured ... through hurricanes, droughts, north-easters, so'westers, and centuries." -Carolyn Mason, Foundation for Shackleford Horses, Inc. 

( Video compliments of  "Around Carolina", a Time Warner Cable's show.)

Amazing little horses! ♥

To learn more see:

date Wednesday, April 24, 2013

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